How Hunger Affects our Health

Everybody feels hungry on a daily basis, but most people can have that hunger go away in an amount of hours. But this hunger cannot. This hunger is very different. This hunger affects children healthwise because they are not eating. But the reason they are not eating is because they have no money to eat with. This can affect a child for the rest of its life. This also the reason 50% of all children under the age of five's deaths have happened. One in eight people cannot afford to eat and don't eat enough to be heathy and nutritious. 3 million lives should not be lost due to hunger every single year.

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Hunger affects many parts of your life. Your attention spam, memory, problem solving and many more. Hunger can also affect your eyesight. It can severly damage it, or sometimes you can even become blind. It can also influence decision making. If the hunger is for a very long amount of time then your brain may reieve damaging chemicals that will then damage your brain. Since your body has no nourishments, it can't fight off diseases and infections as well, which puts the child in an increased chance of getting and diseases infections. The no nourishment also bring the chance of being one of 226 million kids who are shorter than should be. Also, since the children and their family don't have much strength, when the family gets to know about some kind of disaster in their life, they will likely become very ill or possibly die from the shock.

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